Our Misson is to reach the people the church world has forgotten
As strange as it sounds, one of the main ways God prompted me to begin Connection Church was through frustration. I was frustrated to look around and see all the people I could not reach as a Pastor of a traditional church. So many people feel left behind and forgotten by the church. God laid it on my heart to go and start a church that would not forget the forgotten. The video on this page represents our heart for our community. This was the very first event we did for our community. In fact, before we had our own place to meet, we served our community. Since that time we have held a number of other events similar to this first one. We have given away hundreds of bags of food, thousands of pounds of clothing, and more hot dogs and water than we can count. Our community events are great ways to love on the people of Arlington, and meet very real needs.There are other ways we serve our community as well. Our Connection Life groups are active in the mission. These home groups have served schools, a rescue mission, a homeless veteran’s center, and a local Little League to name a few examples. We are a church that believes in loving others by serving. We have plans to establish our own homeless shelter, build a community arts and athletic facility for our children, and establish a community garden to feed those in need. All of these are a part of our vision to serve those forgotten people of the community of Arlington who are highly loved by God. We would love to have you join us on this amazing mission!